STOP CLUTTER from stealing your life by MIKE NELSON

December 21st, 2016 by Goshen Public Library Leave a reply »

41mr0-ytedl-_sx321_bo1204203200_There IS a difference between a hoarder and a clutterer and Mike Nelson explains that to us.  Mike Nelson is a reformed clutterer; he overcame his own cluttering behavior, and shares his triumphs and struggles with humor and insight.  He is totally against forced decluttering—no interventions.  STOP CLUTTER combines practical tips and psychological insights to help us change cluttering behavior—permanently.

Ann Richards, former governor of Texas, tells us “Our lives and our dwelling places have become so full of stuff that it restricts our freedom.  I do not want to be weighed down or slowed down by owning things.  This book will show you the way to unburden your life.”

You’ll learn: practical ways to keep clutter from coming into your home or office; proven ways to eliminate computer, financial, and time clutter; business and home decluttering tools; and to deal with inherited clutter.

“As a psychiatrist, I can report that I have ‘prescribed’ this book & the Clutterless approach to patients with remarkable results.  I find that [Nelson] is grounded in real-world experiences of Clutterers, & offers counsel that appreciates & validates where they are.  We don’t need to keep beating ourselves—we need practical skills toward results!” -Kathleen Wong, MD, psychiatrist


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