GO FOR BROKE by C. Douglas Sterner

August 3rd, 2017 by Goshen Public Library Leave a reply »

gfbGo for Broke is a great story of American heroism from WWII.

Japanese-Americans were forcefully removed from their homes & businesses, & placed in “relocation” camps throughout the West.  With countless instances og “Gestapo-like”tactics used against them, no one would’ve faulted them for being bitter or angry at the country that held them captive.

Instead, the remarkable story of these Nesei (first-generation-born Japanese born outside of Japan) warriors explains why they were eager to defend their American homeland, & how they became the most decorated fighting unit ever assembled in U.S. military history.

Go for Broke is the incredible story of how these soldiers, known as the “Purple Heart Battalion”, helped liberate Europe, the Pacific, & America from its pervasive & systemic bigotry.

GPL: 940.54 Sterner

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